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CCHS Exam Schedule January 2025

Here is the Exam Schedule for exams at CCHS

Exam Schedule

Our grade 9 FRENCH IMMERSION  students will write Part A of their English Language Arts Exam on Friday Jan 17th.  They will write Part B of this exam on Monday Jan 20th.  Grade 9 French Immersion students CAN still participate in Career Explorations after writing their PAT exam.  

All other Grade 9 PAT exams for all grade 9 students will be written in June 2024.  

Grade 12 Diploma exams begin on January 14th 2024 with English Language Arts 30-1 and 30-2 Part A exams and continue through to Jan 27th.  You can find the full schedule HERE on the second page of the document.  Diploma exams can ONLY be written on the day indicated on the schedule as per Alberta Education regulations.  

Last day of Semester 2 classes is January 16th 2024.  Exams begin January 17th.  Students only need to come to school for their exams. Students may choose to come to school for quiet study; our regular mobile device rules will continue to be in place if students choose to come to school during exam break.  The library, learning commons and Wolverine Den will be available but will not be directly supervised.  Students should only be using the building for quiet studying, meeting with teachers and writing exams to respect the students who are completing exams throughout the building.   

 All CRPS and Nakoda Bus Lines buses will continue to run daily on their regular schedule. Our cafeteria will continue to provide continental breakfast and lunch each day.  Punch cards and debit/cash will continue to be accepted.   

Students who would like support in building a study schedule or learning active study techniques should connect with Mr. Kestle or Mr. Purcell about this prior to winter break.  Students who are unsure what to study need to connect with their classroom teacher as soon as possible.  

Grade 9 students will also have the opportunity to participate in Career Explorations during exam break from Jan 20th to 24th.  This program runs through our Digital Literacy course and with the support of Divisional Principal

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