Inspiring Hearts and Minds

Student Life

CCHS Announcements

Connect, Grow & Thrive at CCHS

At Canmore Collegiate High School (CCHS), student life is about more than academics -it's about creating a vibrant, well-rounded experience where students can connect, grow, and thrive. Whether you're pursuing athletic passions, joining student-led clubs, exploring post-secondary opportunities, or giving back through volunteer work, CCHS offers a wide range of opportunities to make your high school years engaging and meaningful.

The Student Life section is your go-to hub for everything you need, including:

  • Athletics – Stay active and competitive with sports teams, events, and schedules.
  • Bring Your Ideas to Life! – Learn how to propose new activities, events, or clubs.
  • Clubs & Student-Led Activities – Connect with peers who share your interests and passions.
  • Exam Schedule – Stay organized with key dates for exams and assessments.
  • Graduation Information – Get details on graduation requirements, events, and celebrations.
  • High School Course Selection – Plan your academic pathway for success.
  • Peer Tutoring – Access support or share your knowledge as a tutor.
  • Post-Secondary Selection – Explore options for life after high school.
  • Student Handbook – Review important policies, guidelines, and expectations.
  • Volunteer Hours – Fulfill your graduation requirement and give back to the community.

At CCHS, the opportunities to get involved, develop new skills, and make lasting memories are endless. In addition to exploring the Student Life section, all students are encouraged to review CCHS' School Policies and Guidelines, which ensure the safety, well-being, and success of our students while promoting personal responsibility and mutual respect.