Weekly Wolverine Jan 26th 2025

Wolverine Weekly January 26th 2025
Congratulations to all students who wrote exams this week. A special mention goes out to our Math 10C/Science 10 students who completed their first practical lab exam. It was amazing to see outcomes being assessed in real life, practical ways and to see students having fun while completing a major exam. Grade 12's should check My Pass for their Diploma Exam results in the upcoming weeks. All other students can access their exam marks by Feb 3rd in their student portal. A reminder that lost textbook fees will be applied to student fees in the portal at the end of this week. If your student still has a semester one textbook signed out, please remind them to return it early this week.
As part of our commitment to Universal Wellbeing strategies, Our counselor Ms. Farmer ran a daily 'Stress Less' station before exams. Students were invited to ground themselves by focusing their sense of sight, sound, touch, smell and taste at a series of stations. Before exams began each day Ms. Farmer invited students to take three deep, calming breaths before the exam began. Ask your student if they took advantage of these opportunities and if they made a difference for them.
Parent Micro Session Feb 25th 2025 6:30-7pm
CCHS will be holding a parent micro session on Feb 25th 6:30pm - 7pm. The topic is: French Immersion and FSL (French as a Second Language) pathways at CCHS: it doesn't end in grade 8 or 9! It will be a hybrid session with the in person meeting being held in our CCHS cafeteria and this link meet.google.com/bss-ifrs-oek being available to families who wish to join virtually.
We would like to encourage any parents with students in French Immersion, who are Francophone or who are interested in French as a Second Language courses to attend. Students can still pick up French 10 (FSL) even if they have not studied French before. We have invited LGMS parents to attend as well.
Report Cards and IPPs (Individual Program Plans) February 3rd 2025
Teachers are currently completing report cards and finalizing grades. Any comments or grade changes you see before February 3rd are not confirmed until Feb 3rd. Teachers are working diligently to ensure that we are assessing students accurately and providing comments that will paint a picture of your child’s achievement. In addition, teachers are updating student IPPs (Individual Program Plans) for semester 2 for students with this document. Please contact your child’s LST teacher dave.purcell@crps.ca (grade 9’s) and leslie.kestle@crps.ca (grade 10, 11, 12) to connect about your child’s IPP for semester 2.
Grade 10 Avalanche Safety Training (AST) - Update
We encourage all our Grade 10’s to earn their AST. This can help them stay safe as they recreate in the Bow Valley in the future and may be beneficial in getting jobs in the future. It is also a program unique to CRPS high schools. This is an opportunity other high school students do not get for FREE! To earn certification, students must complete all three components by the deadlines indicated:
- Complete all online modules
- Attend the classroom presentation with their STEM class in the theatre (see dates below)
- Attend their classes’ field day on hill training (see dates below)
*complete all online modules by Feb 1* |
Presentation in Theatre: Monday, February 3 - MORNING Symington STEM 10C Haugan STEM 10C Monday, February 3 - AFTERNOON Longobardi STEM 10C Symington STEM 15/10C Tuesday, February 10 - MORNING Falkenberg STEM 14/10-3 Onyschuk STEM |
Field Day @ Lake Louise: February 4 - Symington STEM 10C February 5 - Haugan STEM 10C February 6 - Longobardi STEM 10C February 11 - Symington STEM 15/10C February 12 - Falkenberg STEM 14 + Onyschuk STEM |
Thanks for the generous support of the Pauw Foundation for making this program available for free to all our Grade 10 students.
Grade 9’s Complete Career Explorations
A huge thank you goes out to all the local businesses in the Bow Valley for hosting 60+ of our grade 9’s this past week. Students completed an initial ‘interest survey’ in which they indicated on a scale of 1-5 how interested they were in being placed over the exam week break. Next, students indicating the top levels of engagement then underwent a one on one interview with me, Ms. Keon, Mr. Holthuis or Ms. Howatt and then we met as a staff group to place as many students as we could in their primary area of interest.
Hopefully you heard one of our students doing the weather and community connections report on Mountain FM all week, maybe you saw students working with Alberta Parks checking local wildlife cameras, perhaps you were hitting the slopes and saw our students at Lake Louise, Sunshine and Norquay ski resorts working ski patrol, maintaining ski trails or working in customer service. In addition you may have seen students at a local vet clinic observing procedures or perhaps a younger sibling noticed CCHS students working in classrooms at Exshaw School, Banff Elementary or Elizabeth Rummel. Maybe your child got a visit from the Iyarhe Nakoda Youth Program at school this week and saw our students working with them. These are only some of the exciting opportunities are students experienced this week.
This coming week Mr. Holthuis and I will be meeting with students who completed placements to reflect on their experiences and update their Digital Portfolio with the skills they learned. Thanks to all the families who got their teen up, out of bed and to their placement each day. This experience is a great example of the experiential and transformative learning CRPS is committed to.
Grade 12 Course Changes for Graduation and Post Secondary
Please review our student handbook for information regarding course changes for semester 2 for grade 12 students. We only make course changes for students who need a course to graduate, need to change a course due to a failure in the prerequisite or who require a course to apply to post secondary. We strongly encourage grade 12’s to review their grad plan, meet with Mr. O and then email annabel.preece@crps.ca with the required course change THIS WEEK. It is very important that students begin in a class on the first day.
Drop deadline for courses for Grade 12’s is February 3rd. Students/families should email annabel.preece@crps.ca and cc the student/parent as well. Indicate the course the student wants to drop and confirm that the student will still graduate and be able to apply to their post secondary course without the course.
Reconciliation Bench
As we await the arrival of the plaque for our Reconciliation Bench we would like to recognize recent Alumni Jay Porter for the hours he put into making this special bench a reality. Jay sourced the raw materials and handcrafted the bench with support from his family and met with our knowledge keepers to seek their input and approval. We have moved the bench in front of our office until it can be finished with the plaque Jay and the Knowledge Keepers agreed on. We then hope to install the bench in its final location outside our front doors. Thanks to Jay for seeing this project though.
Grade 12 updated Grad Plans Due Feb 3rd 2025
- All grade 12’s must submit a NEW Grad Plan to the folder in the main office by Feb 3rd 2025
- See Mr. O in student services for support
- Your Grad Plan consists of printed copies of your
- Credential Page (My Pass)
- Detailed Academic Report (My Pass)
- Confirmation of Understanding (link)
- Current Timetable printed out (sem 2)
**Stay up to date @ CCHS with our Daily Announcements **
Here is a link to our School Calendar with all our upcoming events on it.
Have a great week!
Ms. Preece, Principal
Ms. Keon, Assistant Principal