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Wolverine Weekly March 16th 2025

Wolverine Weekly March 9th, 2025

Ms. Keon and I would like to thank all the families who came out to our Open House and Parent Info Night sessions.  We hope that you found this opportunity to be welcoming and useful in working with your child to identify courses they need or want for next year.  Teachers will be completing course recommendations in PowerSchool on Monday and Tuesday.  It is key to take a look at those before making course selections.  As a reminder, students going into grade 9/10 can complete their Google Form course selections now by going here.  For students going into grade 11/12 course selections will open in PowerSchool on Wednesday evening.  

This weekend was a huge basketball weekend for all CCHS teams!  We are still waiting for teams to report back to us (at time of writing) and we hope to have some great photos and results to share in next week’s newsletter.  

We look forward to seeing all families at Parent, Teacher, Student conferences on Wednesday night, Thursday night or Friday morning.  Read the information items below to book your appointment online. 

Alberta Education Assurance Survey - parents asked to complete the survey - watch for your Random Access Code

Codes for Grade 10 parents arriving Monday/Tuesday by Canada Post to your house

Survey closes FRIDAY MARCH 21st

Alberta Education will again be conducting their annual survey of grades 4, 7 and 10 students and their parents or guardians. The survey will gather important information about students’ and parents’ school experiences and will help to inform continuous improvement in our education system. The survey will also be conducted by all teachers in the province. Your input supports improvements in our education system. This year’s survey will take place from February to March 2025, and we strongly encourage all grade 10 parents or guardians to participate and share your feedback on your child’s or children’s education. By completing the survey, you are helping both Alberta Education and your local school authority identify areas of strength and areas for improvement. When the results are in, Alberta sends them to school authorities, who in turn share them with their local school community and use them to inform their annual education plans.

Additional details about Alberta Education’s quality assurance measures and framework for monitoring performance in the education system are available at  Please contact Ms. Preece  if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s participation in the survey

Grad Fundraiser Talent/Variety Show Monday March 17th at 7pm

The Talent/Variety show - this will happen in the CCHS theatre on Monday, March 17 at 7pm. Tickets will be $5 at the door, and children under 5 are free. This is a grad 2025 fundraising event and will include a short intermission and concession with goodies made by the grade 12s.

2025-2026 Course Registration Timelines 

It is already course registration season for the 2025-2026 school year!  Below is a timeline for course registration for next school year.

March 3-7th - Teachers are speaking with students in class about recommendations for course picks for next year 

March 10th - Parent Teacher Conferences Appointment Online Booking System opens at 9am

March 11th - Open House and Parent/Student Course Registration Info Meetings (the school strongly recommends that both families and students attend these meetings) 

Grade 8 into Grade 9 meeting 6-6:30pm

Grade 9 into Grade 10 meeting 6:30-7pm

Grade 10 into Grade 11 meeting 7-7:30pm

Grade 11 into Grade 12 meeting 7:30-8pm

March 17th/18th - Teachers will input course recommendations into PowerSchool for into Grade 11 and into Grade 12 

March - 19th, 20th 21st - Parent Teacher Conferences - we encourage families to bring students to conferences to discuss course picks for next year

March 25, 26, 27th - Staff will support students with making course selections (into Grade 9 and into Grade 10 are on Google Forms, into grade 11 and into Grade 12 are on PowerSchool)

March 28th - Course registration 'picks' deadline all for grades

Early May - timetables provided to students (paper copies only)

Mid May - 2 weeks of course change opportunities, grade 9, 10, 11 and 12

End of May - course changes close for the 2025-2026 school year apart from

- students who are not successful in a current course and do not therefore have a course prerequisite

- students who require a course for entry to post secondary or to meet graduation requirements

We do not make any other course changes for any students beyond these situations after the end of May

Please review our Course Catalog carefully.  Classroom teachers, Ms. Keon or I are happy to answer questions about courses.  

Please note that all courses are subject to registration minimums and maximums to run.  

We look forward to seeing everyone at our Open House and Course Registration Info Night on March 11th from 6-8pm.

New or unique Courses at CCHS

See our course catalogue for full details 

French Language Arts 10 and 20 for former French Immersion students or Francophone students 

French as a second language 9 course as a ¼ course (only 10 weeks)

French as a second language 10,20,30 

Personal Finance for Grade 12’s - a ¼ course only so students have a spare for the other ¼ 

Computer Science for Grade 12’s - a University prep course for students interested in studying in this area

Makerspace now has two streams - Digital Media and Tech 

Drama now has two streams - Performance and Technical Theatre 

Entrepreneurship progresses up to the 20 level next year after a very successful 10 level course this year 

Social Sciences will now be taught in person and students can earn up to 6 credits by completing both World Geography 30 and Anthropology 30 courses at the 30 level (no diploma exam)

Synthetic Biology makes a return to the course offerings

Dual credit courses through SAIT (College Credits awarded) will include 


  • Introduction to Business 
  • Intro to Law
  • Medical Terminology
  • Anatomy and Physiology



  • Introduction to Business
  • Medical Terminology
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Infection Prevention & Control
  • Science of Health and Wellness

*All courses subject to minimum and maximum registrations

Parent Teacher Student Conferences

Information on how to book appointments 


Parent-student-teacher conferences are fast approaching! These meetings are a wonderful opportunity to celebrate your child’s successes, discover what is being learned, and identify areas that your child might focus on. Here are three questions that you could ask during the meetings:


  1. What has my child done well? It is important to celebrate and affirm the amazing things that your child has accomplished, learned or demonstrated.
  1. What is one area in which my child could grow and improve? While students are learning a wide range of ideas and skills, asking what might be improved or refined can help your child find a focus.
  1. How might I support my child’s learning? Research clearly indicates that parents and grandparents play an important role in their child’s learning. Your teacher will have suggestions on what you can do to support learning.

Please feel free to ask the teacher  principal, or assistant principal, if you have questions.


Post Secondary studies in which the language of instruction is French 

In April, students in French Immersion and French Language Arts will get a visit from a representative from the Campus Saint-Jean which is the Francophone section of the University of Alberta.  On April 2nd the representative will explain what to expect from and what the benefits are of doing a degree in which the language of instruction is French.  We will be holding a Parent Micro Session to share this information with families on April 2nd at 6pm.  Here is the virtual link

Are you an Employer looking for summer employees?  

Book a table and the CRPS Hiring Fair.  Complete this form to secure a table.  Over 600 students will come with resumes updated, questions ready and they will be prepared for on the spot interviews if you choose to hold them that day.   

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