Wolverine Weekly March 23rd 2025

Wolverine Weekly March 9th, 2025
Ms. Keon and I are excited that Badminton, Track and Field and Rugby have all started up at CCHS. Have your student check out the daily announcements for more information. Last week we had a pep rally to kick off the student-led March Madness celebrations that run at lunchtime this week. Our Student Council, under the support of Mr. Skinner and Ms. Timm, have put in a lot of work to organize activities students can participate in or just watch at lunch hours next week. Watch for teacher makeovers and a general knowledge quiz among other fun activities next week. We thank them for doing this to elevate school spirit at our school.
In addition our Wellness Committee students under the guidance of Ms. Haywood Farmer held another intramural event in the gym last week. It was great to see an all inclusive game of benchball that had students from grade 9 through 12 participating for fun. This included students who don’t usually come to the gym at lunch so it was wonderful to see them feeling good in this space in our school. Ms. Des continues to offer ‘passive programming’ for all students in the library at lunch time. Students have had the opportunity to make friendship bracelets (during the Taylor Swift concert series!) and do other crafts like making their own journals.
Ms. Des is also working hard to build up a broad collection of young adult literature in our library. Strong reading skills and time spent reading for pleasure supports academic success. We encourage all CCHS students to read a book for pleasure at least 20 mins a day. Student stamina in reading is key to success in diploma exams in which students have up to 6 hours to complete most of their exams. Daily reading also helps students build up background knowledge which supports them in their education as well.
Grad Products Order Day
Please check out the Daily Announcements for information on ordering grad rings, jackets and other products. Please note this is done directly through Jostens and is not organized by the school. Contact them using the information on the slide if you have questions.
Field Trips and Visits this Week
CCHS welcomes our Exshaw Grade 8’s to our school this week for a transition day. Students will get to know staff and students as well as tour our building as part of their preparation to join our school in September.
Ms. D is taking our Cosmetology grade 9 class to the Rocky Mountain Soap Company for a deeper dive into the science behind skin care this week. Last week Ms. Sellers took her grade 9 Foods class to Tank 310 to help them understand food service and food preparation in a local context. We thank these business partners for welcoming students into their space to help them understand the real world importance of their courses. This grade 9 initiative is part of the CRPS focus on experiential learning.
France 2026 Fundraising
The students in our French program are fundraising for a trip to France at Spring Break in 2026. This is part of an initiative to encourage students to continue their studies in French Language Arts or French as a Second Language. The tentative plan is to offer this trip every second year to students who are registered in our Grade 10, 11 and 12 French programs.
We invite you to support them in their fundraising by purchasing some of the items they are currently selling. Contact Jessica.lefreniere@crps.ca for more information.
2025-2026 Course Registration Timelines
It is already course registration season for the 2025-2026 school year! Below is a timeline for course registration for next school year.
March 25, 26, 27th - Staff will support students with making course selections (into Grade 9 and into Grade 10 are on Google Forms, into grade 11 and into Grade 12 are on PowerSchool)
March 28th - Course registration 'picks' deadline all for grades
Early May - timetables provided to students (paper copies only)
Mid May - 2 weeks of course change opportunities, grade 9, 10, 11 and 12
End of May - course changes close for the 2025-2026 school year apart from
- students who are not successful in a current course and do not therefore have a course prerequisite
- students who require a course for entry to post secondary or to meet graduation requirements
We do not make any other course changes for any students beyond these situations after the end of May
Please review our Course Catalog carefully. Classroom teachers, Ms. Keon or I are happy to answer questions about courses.
Please note that all courses are subject to registration minimums and maximums to run.
We look forward to seeing everyone at our Open House and Course Registration Info Night on March 11th from 6-8pm.
New or unique Courses at CCHS
See our course catalogue for full details
French Language Arts 10 and 20 for former French Immersion students or Francophone students
French as a second language 9 course as a ¼ course (only 10 weeks)
French as a second language 10,20,30
Personal Finance for Grade 12’s - a ¼ course only so students have a spare for the other ¼
Computer Science for Grade 12’s - a University prep course for students interested in studying in this area
Makerspace now has two streams - Digital Media and Tech
Drama now has two streams - Performance and Technical Theatre
Entrepreneurship progresses up to the 20 level next year after a very successful 10 level course this year
Social Sciences will now be taught in person and students can earn up to 6 credits by completing both World Geography 30 and Anthropology 30 courses at the 30 level (no diploma exam)
Synthetic Biology makes a return to the course offerings
Dual credit courses through SAIT (College Credits awarded) will include
- Introduction to Business
- Intro to Law
- Medical Terminology
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Introduction to Business
- Medical Terminology
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Infection Prevention & Control
- Science of Health and Wellness
*All courses subject to minimum and maximum registrations
Post Secondary studies in which the language of instruction is French
In April, students in French Immersion and French Language Arts will get a visit from a representative from the Campus Saint-Jean which is the Francophone section of the University of Alberta. On April 2nd the representative will explain what to expect from and what the benefits are of doing a degree in which the language of instruction is French. We will be holding a Parent Micro Session to share this information with families on April 2nd at 6pm. Here is the virtual link meet.google.com/vrn-ycfx-xcb
Are you an Employer looking for summer employees?
Book a table and the CRPS Hiring Fair. Complete this form to secure a table. Over 600 students will come with resumes updated, questions ready and they will be prepared for on the spot interviews if you choose to hold them that day.
Job Opportunity
Alpenglow School is looking for a lunchroom supervisor to work Monday through Friday.
10:15 a.m.- 1:15 p.m.
9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Duties include the following:
- Playground supervision
- Organizing and maintaining classroom supplies
- Some light food preparation experience would be an asset
- Other duties as assigned by the Principal
Deadline for applications: February 25, 2025
A letter of application and RCMP Vulnerable Sector Check will be required as per Canadian Rockies Public Schools procedures.
Please submit applications to annabel.preece@crps.ca
Ms. Annabel Preece
Alpenglow School
**Stay up to date @ CCHS with our Daily Announcements **
Here is a link to our School Calendar with all our upcoming events on it.
Have a great week!
Ms. Preece, Principal
Ms. Keon, Assistant Principal