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CCHS Grad Update Page

Latest GRAD UPDATE:  June 13, 2024 

Important Dates in June 2024

Grads, please continue to watch this page for important updates for Grad Class of 2024. Please note that while dates are set, some of the times may change. Changes will be updated and posted on this site.

**CCHS 2024 Commencement Ceremony Rehearsal ( Mandatory for Graduands ) - June 26,2024 ( 8 am). It is mandatory for Grads to attend this short rehearsal (~ 1hour). For those students writing your Science 30 exam that morning, please come to the main office after your exam so we can go through the important information with you.

Grad 2024 Banquet - June 26, 2024 at the Fairmont Banff Springs  ( students arrive by 4:30 pm Group Photo @ 5pm)

( ** Please note at this time all Banquet Tickets sales have been closed)

CCHS 2024 Commencement Ceremony - June 27,2024 @ 11 am (students arrive by 10:15 am) 


Latest GRAD UPDATE:  May 31, 2024 

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  • If you are applying for post-secondary scholarships, use a personal email account, not your CRPS email so you can still access them. You will need to move you data before you leave CCHS.
  • Google has tools to help you including:
  • Download –  If there are only a few things you want to keep, including items shared with you, download a copy of individual files or folders.
  • Forward important emails to another personal email account. Learn more.
  • Transfer your content – copy your Drive and Email files to a personal Google account. Learn more.
  • Archive/Takeout  - download  a copy of items owned by you in all G Suite services into one zip file. Learn more.
  • Transfer Ownership  -  If others will need to use files you own, you can transfer ownership to someone else at CRPS in sharing options, or they can take a copy for themselves. Learn more

Latest GRAD UPDATE:  May 15, 2024 

Valedictorian Application

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Latest GRAD UPDATE:  May 10, 2024 

Grads, please continue to watch this page for important updates for Grad Class of 2024. Please note that while dates are set, some of the times may change. Changes will be updated and posted on this site.

CCHS 2024 Commencement Ceremony Rehearsal ( Mandatory for Graduands ) - June 25,2024 ( This will be an afternoon event).

Grad 2024 Banquet - June 26, 2024 at the Fairmont Banff Springs  ( students arrive by 4:30 pm Group Photo @ 5pm)

( ** Please note at this time all Banquet Tickets sales have been closed)

CCHS 2024 Commencement Ceremony - June 27,2024 @ 11 am (students arrive by 10:15 am) 


Latest GRAD UPDATE:  March 26, 2024 - Grad Banquet Tickets

Grad 2024 Banquet - June 26, 2024 at the Fairmont Banff Springs  

You MUST submit this filled out form and payment at time of purchase.  

Ticket Price: $90.00 per ticket (cash, debit, credit card or cheque made payable to CCHS)

Tickets will be on sale week of April 15-19, 2024. Tickets can be purchased in 1 of 2 methods: 

Latest GRAD UPDATE:  March 07, 2024 - Grad Banquet Tickets

  • A form regarding ticket sales will be sent home to all grade 12's on Thursday March 14th.  This form will need to be filled out to purchase tickets in April.  The form will also address details regarding the banquet.
  • Ticket Sales will be on April 17,18,19 at lunch (11:25-12:25) in the circle by the front Office.  Students can pay with Cash, Credit Card, or Debit Card. Students must present their completed forms upon purchasing their tickets.
  • A bottle drive to help counter individual ticket costs will be held on Friday April 19th. Students who actively participate in this drive will receive a percent of the proceeds to use against their ticket costs. 



Latest GRAD UPDATE:  January 15, 2024

Grad Banquet is on Wednesday, June 26th and begins at 5pm at the Banff Springs.

Commencement Ceremony Grad Class 2024, June 27,2024 ( *Tentative time Noon)

Grad 2024 Handbook (click here for info)


Latest GRAD UPDATE:  December 11, 2023

Grad 2024 Online Auction Link (December 14)

The Graduating class of 2024 is holding the annual grad silent auction during the drama production of Aladdin on December 15 BUT this year we are adding an online auction as well! Each auction will have its own items for bidders to battle over. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for all interested community members to participate.
A few items to look forward to at the live auction which will happen on December 15 from 6:30pm - 9:20pm in the CCHS theatre:Gift certificates from: pasta co, Summit cafe, Take a Hike Market, and Shoes t'Boot; as well  as a wine gift basket,  a coffee gift basket,  an Epique gift basket... plus other fantastic items.
The online auction will run on Thursday, December 14th from 12 noon until 7pm. A link for the auction site will is now available on the CCHS school website. Pictures of all items will be visible beginning on Monday and a "how to" video will be provided in advance.Some items for the ONLINE version include: Iron Goat gift card worth $250, Canmore Lube and Muffler have a package for oil change and extreme detail as well as accompanying hoodies, One-night stays at local lodges, and other large ticket items! Check out the FULL auction lists on Monday.
The links will be open to anyone who arrives through the school website, so please share the school website with anyone you believe would enjoy this fun fundraiser!
Thank you from the Graduating Class of 2024


Latest GRAD UPDATE:  November 20, 2023

Grad Photography Dates: November 24, 27, 28, 29 and 30th , 2023

Session Fee: $40. Includes  10-16 Poses/3-5 Backgrounds/1-2 Outfits 

***All Grads need to have their photo taken. If you are only doing a basic portrait (yearbook photo) you do not need to pay. Simply tell the photographer you are only doing a basic yearbook photo.

We photograph a variety of full body/cropped images. 


The sessions will be 30 minutes, and we will do formal cap/gown photos as well as casual photos.  (ex. Jeans/Tshirt,  Sports uniform, etc) 

We suggest males bring a dress shirt and tie for formal photos and females wear v-neck or scoop neck top for formal photos. Unfortunately, we will not have shirts and ties for graduates to use.  

The use of props provided by Lifetouch (roses, diploma scroll) is voluntary, we have implemented safety protocols for sanitizing props or will provide one time use props for each sitting.   

Graduates may also bring appropriate props to be included in their sitting. (ex. football, musical instrument, etc)  

The website will in now officially open to book. Please find attached the grad flyer for your graduates and their families to sign up for the photos.  

The booking link is Please note, There is no 8-digit code, students/parents can search by Province and City.  

More information.





Latest GRAD UPDATE:  November 08, 2023

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GRADS Please Attend Noon meeting in the theatre - November 20



Latest GRAD UPDATE:  October 27, 2023

Do you need Grad Volunteer hours?

If you would like to volunteer with us this year at the Vic Lewis Band Festival at CCHS the sign up link is in the below email.Bring your form and we will sign for the hours worked. 

Volunteer opportunities for "Fall 2023 Vic Lewis Band Festival" are now open.

Please click on the following web link (or copy it into your web browser if clicking doesn't work) to go to the signup sheet:

To sign up, just follow the instructions on the page. It only takes a few seconds to do.

Thank you for volunteering!
We hope to see you there. 


Latest GRAD UPDATE:  September 14, 2023

Student/Parent Grad 2024 presentation

Latest GRAD UPDATE:  September 07, 2023

Hi Grads of 2024 - please check this page on a regular basis for Grad news and updates. Our first meeting is Sept 13 @ 7 pm in the CCHS Theatre - please attend this short meeting with your parents.

Grad Handbook - CLICK HERE

Student Handbook - CLICK HERE


Latest GRAD UPDATE:  June 16, 2023

1. June 27 - all grads come to school (gym) for 11am to help move desks out of the gym and some setting up decorations for memory wall... THEN at 12:00 pm you will do a run through of the entire ceremony. It is ABSOLUTELY necessary to be at the school for the run-through as this year your cap and gown will include more movement and special features. 
2. Day of Cap and Gown - June 29th - be at the school at 10 am. Remember that you are both inside and outside and the gowns are warm. You do not want to be wearing a suit or heavy clothing under this gown. Shorts are recommended.
3. Thursday, June 22 you can come to pick up your gown and cap package. PLEASE NOTE honours students will have the opportunity to purchase their honours stoles on this date for $20. You will purchase at the office. Honours confirmations will be sent out by Wednesday afternoon. 


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  • If you are applying for post-secondary scholarships, use a personal email account, not your CRPS email so you can still access them. You will need to move you data before you leave CCHS.
  • Google has tools to help you including:
  • Download –  If there are only a few things you want to keep, including items shared with you, download a copy of individual files or folders.
  • Forward important emails to another personal email account. Learn more.
  • Transfer your content – copy your Drive and Email files to a personal Google account. Learn more.
  • Archive/Takeout  - download  a copy of items owned by you in all G Suite services into one zip file. Learn more.
  • Transfer Ownership  -  If others will need to use files you own, you can transfer ownership to someone else at CRPS in sharing options, or they can take a copy for themselves. Learn more

Latest GRAD UPDATE:  June 07, 2023

2023 Commencement Ceremony CCHS Gym 11:00am June 29 2023. Around this time of the year we begin to get requests for information about our Commencement Ceremony. When does it start? How many guests can we bring etc... We are currently preparing a short information video to share with families around plans for the 2023 Commencement ceremony, which we will share hopefully in the next week.


Latest GRAD UPDATE:  May 10, 2023

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Please follow the link here to get your 2023 valedictorian application and learn more.


GRAD UPDATE:  April 27, 2023

Hi Grads

Please complete this yearbook survey no later than May 1, for the Grad Class of 2023

Click here.


GRAD UPDATE:  March 29, 2023

Grad Banquet 2023

Grad 2023 Banquet - June 28th at the Rimrock Resort 

Please Fill out the information on this PDF form.  

You MUST submit this form and payment at time of purchase.  

Tickets will be on sale week of April 19-25. Tickets can be purchased in 1 of 2 methods: electronically through Parent Portal OR in person on Thursday April 24 and Friday April 25 at lunch in the circle Ticket Price: $81.00 each (cash, cheque, debit or credit made payable to CCHS)




Latest GRAD UPDATE:  March 20, 2023

Grads - time to check the Grad Handbook for any upcoming due dates and to start thinking about applying to be the Valedictorian for the class of 2023.

Valedictorian Application 2023

CCHS Grad Handbook 2022-2023


February 14, 2023 - Update

We will have more details to follow , but here is the most current information we have with regard to Grad 2023.

Banquet June 28th at the Rimrock Resort in Banff Alberta

  • Banquet ticket information will follow 
  • Please note tickets are sold electronically and no longer require parent volunteers 

Commencement Ceremony June 29th at CCHS

  • This event is the school’s responsibility
  • If grads and parents would like to continue the car parade tradition, please note this is a parent organized event

Banquet Parent Planning Committee Meeting - March 1, 2023 @ 6:30pm at CCHS rm 1209

  • This meeting will address the following:
    • Supporting students with setup and tear down of banquet hall
    • Set up and tear down of decorations at commencement ceremony





Grad Photos: November 25, 28, 29 & 30th

The website to book your photo sitting is officially open to book grad sessions!  Please read the grad flyer with more information for  graduates and their families to sign up for the photos. 

The booking link is . There is no 8-digit code, students/parents can search by Province and City. 












Watch to CCHS 2022 Commencement Ceremony on our live stream. Just head to

Canmore Collegiate Corner youtube - you will see the Grad 2022 Livestream. click and enjoy.


Latest GRAD UPDATE:  June 28, 2022

Hello graduands and families:

We have reached Grad week!  We want to ensure that everyone knows how the days will run.   Here is a final update.

Grad Banquet - Tuesday, June 28

  • Ticket sales are closed.

  • Students must be at the Rimrock for a group photo at 5pm - (Janice Olsthoorn Parent Liason), please be on time as we have hired a photographer.

  • Grad March begins at 6pm followed by dinner and  a dance

  • Parents and students committed a great deal of time and energy to the day so please find those individuals and thank them for their efforts.

*** We feel the weather will hold to conduct commencement ceremony outside as planned. However please look for email alerts at 8 am in the morning. If the weather takes a turn for the worst we will send a text alert if we have to move the Grad Ceremony inside.

Cap and Gown ceremony - Wednesday, June 29th

  • The ceremony will begin promptly at 12pm but students need to arrive by 11 am for a group photo and to pick up their stoles. They will line up dressed in their caps and gowns with stoles  in the cafeteria from tallest to shortest to prepare for the photographer.

  • Honour stoles are available for purchase for $15 IN ADVANCE of the ceremony date (pick up day of only) - no stoles will be sold on the day of the ceremony. Regular stoles are not for purchase. All students will receive stoles on June 29th and those with honors have been contacted with purchase information.

  • Families will only be permitted one car in the parking lot. Others can park close to the school and walk over for the ceremony which will be held outside in the parking lot. Bring sunscreen, water, hats, etc. 

  • If the weather does not cooperate the ceremony will be held in the gym.

  • Students will find their assigned seat and be ready to begin at 12pm sharp. The ceremony should take approximately one hour.

  • Jacqui Downer has organized a celebratory car parade to take place after the ceremony - please look for her email as this is not a school event. 


Final Grades

  • Students should all have access to MyPass and have updated their mailing addresses by now to ensure that diploma/final grades and official transcripts can be accessed once Alberta Education has completed all grade calculations. These official grades should come in the mail in mid-July. The school does not send these out.



Latest GRAD UPDATE:  May 26, 2022

The grad banquet is on June 28th at the Rimrock Resort in Banff.

Students should arrive by 5pm as parking is limited so be prepared to walk a bit. A group photo will be taken at 5:30 pm by the photographer that was hired by CCHS. Dinner will begin at 6pm followed by speeches and a dance.

The graduation ceremony (cap and gown) will happen on June 29th at CCHS at Noon. We are planning for an outdoor ceremony with a stage facing into the rec center parking lot weather permitting - should weather be an issue we will have the ceremony in the CCHS gymnasium. Students will be provided their cap and gown package in late June to allow for cap decorating and family photos in advance of the ceremony.


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  • If you are applying for post-secondary scholarships, use a personal email account, not your CRPS email so you can still access them. You will need to move you data before you leave CCHS.
  • Google has tools to help you including:
  • Download –  If there are only a few things you want to keep, including items shared with you, download a copy of individual files or folders.
  • Forward important emails to another personal email account. Learn more.
  • Transfer your content – copy your Drive and Email files to a personal Google account. Learn more.
  • Archive/Takeout  - download  a copy of items owned by you in all G Suite services into one zip file. Learn more.
  • Transfer Ownership  -  If others will need to use files you own, you can transfer ownership to someone else at CRPS in sharing options, or they can take a copy for themselves. Learn more


Latest GRAD UPDATE:  April 22, 2022

Tickets for the Grad Banquet June 28,2022 will be on sale in alphabetical order by last name during the week of April 27-29. Please CLICK HERE for your Grad Banquet Ticket Form.


Latest GRAD UPDATE:  March 17, 2022

Graduates and parents, 

All grade 12 students have been advised throughout their high school years about the requirements to graduate.  We have now entered the final semester for this year’s graduation class and we are asking that parents and students read through the checklist below to ensure that any outstanding requirements are addressed. 

Some students are registered in courses through our Flex Learning.  School personnel will be monitoring student progress in these courses in order to ensure that success is possible.  Any students registered in a course that they need for graduation (whether in class or through Flex Learning) must be able to provide evidence that they have completed the coursework and have a minimum 50% standing by June 9th, 2022.  Students will be removed from the Grad list at that time if requirements are not met. 

CCHS graduates also require a minimum of 20 hours of community volunteer service either on or off campus. These hours do not include service of a family nature.  Many opportunities for accumulating these hours are posted in the Student Services office.

Minimum requirements to participate in the Commencement Ceremony are listed below.  Please take the time to check off what you have completed.  Any unchecked items require IMMEDIATE attention by the prospective graduate.  Please make arrangements to meet with Mrs. Janse or Mr. Holthuis.  All checked means you’re on track.

___ 100 credits registered in courses to achieve 100 credits by June 2022                                            ___ English 30-1 or 30-2 – registered in or completed                                                                          ___ Social Studies 30-1 or 30-2 – registered in or completed                                                              ___ Mathematics (10 credits) – registered in or completed                                                                  __ Science (10 credits) – registered in or completed                                                                            ___ Physical Education 10 (minimum 3 credits) – registered in or completed                                          ___ CALM 20 (3 credits) – registered in or completed                                                                          ___ CTS/Fine Arts/Second Languages/PE (10 credits) – registered in or completed                                ___ 30 level courses (10 credits other than English or Social) – registered in or completed                      ___ Community Hours completed thus far (must have completed 20 hours by June 9th, 2022)               ___ Grad fee of $90 has been paid


Latest GRAD UPDATE:  March 17, 2022

Banquet -  June 28th at the Rimrock Resort in Banff
Tickets will be around $80.00each -  still confirming the price. Banquet Parents Volunteer meeting -  March 24th at 7pm via google meet.  Link will be sent out closer to the event.


Latest GRAD UPDATE:  January 11, 2022

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Canmore Collegiate High School &

Post Secondary Indigenous Recruitment Association of Alberta  



What’s Next After High School? 

A virtual information session to guide Indigenous students in planning for their future

What's Next After High School?
Wednesday, January 12 · 7:00 – 9:00pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(CA) +1 289-949-0128‬ PIN: ‪520 720 975‬#
More phone numbers: 


January 12, 2022 


7:00 p.m. Opening prayer & land acknowledgment 

7:10 p.m. Staff Introductions - Words of welcome - Principal Chris Rogers

7:20 p.m. Guest panelist introductions 

7:35 p.m. Words of advice from CCHS graduate

7:40 p.m. How to graduate from high school and what’s next - Annabel Preece, Success Coach

7:45 p.m. Panel - Why consider post secondary education? A discussion with guest speakers

8:15 p.m. Jamboard activity - Learn about Southern Alberta post secondary schools

8:45 p.m. Breakout rooms - Meet and Greet with post secondary representatives

8:55 p.m. Closing Words - Annabel Preece, Success Coach

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Latest GRAD UPDATE:  December 09, 2021

Dear CCHS families: 

The graduating class of 2022 will be holding a VIRTUAL silent auction on Wednesday, December 15th from 5pm - 9pm.

Information about the auction: 

A link will be provided ON WEDNESDAY at 5pm through the CCHS website; the auction process is outlined below:

  1.  The link will take you to a google doc with all the items that are available
  2. Each item has a number and a link following the picture that you must click on and submit your information to bid. 
  3. To view current bids please click the link on the form that says "view current bids" each item has a separate form with the current bids.

See the items here - Silent auction Items

- Opening bid values have been supplied - these reflect 50% of the item value

- Minimum increments have been supplied to avoid $1 bumps that may not respect the true nature of the auction nor the donor’s intent in supplying the item - note bids that do not follow the minimum increment will not be valid.

-Time of the auction will be 5 pm-9 pm on Wednesday, December 15th

- We will contact the winners of the items via email, so please include your email under the Contact information section of the form. Your email must be submitted every time you bid.

- Pick up for items will be on Thursday December 16th from 3:30-4:30 and Friday the 17th from 11:30 - 3. If you are unable to come during this time please contact us at the email below and we will hold your item at the office.

- Payment for items can be made via cash, cheque or tap pay when you pick up your item. 

-unclaimed items will be offered to the second highest bidder after Friday at 4:30.

-if you are unable to pick up but wish to have your item held until January you must contact the auction organizer  to have it held. 

The following link provides the information on items as well as the opening bid values and estimated item values to help you prepare for the auction. Thank you for your support of the graduating class of 2022.


Latest GRAD UPDATE:  December 02, 2021

Grad HandBook 2022

Confirmation of Understanding - was due November 30 , 2021. Please complete and bring a copy to the main office. Information on how to complete this document was covered in our Grad information night on November 05 and is also listed in the Grad Handbook. Please see Mr. Holthuis/Mr. Rogers/Ms. Janse if you have questions.



Latest GRAD UPDATE: Monday November 15, 2021

Hello Grad 2022 families!

Parent Student Meeting for Grad Class of 2022 - to explain the key graduation timelines for Grads leading up to commencement in June. This brief meeting will discuss ensuring grads are on track to graduate -banquet, commencement, grad photos, car parade, grad gown purchase and a few other important notes. Google Meet Link.

We also want to ask for parent volunteers to join the grad committees that are needed this year by completing the form linked below. These include: banquet liaison(s) - these individuals coordinate with the Rimrock and our grad committee to organize the food, equipment and payments for the banquet; Banquet Decorating “put up” - these individuals do the decorating as outlined by the grad committee; Banquet Decorating “take down” - clean up crew; fundraising committee support -- mostly supporting the grad committee in creating an online silent auction and cookie dough sale; car parade - coordinating with the RCMP, school and town to plan a route

parent sign up   Gown Rental Form


Social Media Communication

Instagram for grads: cchsgrad_2022  - this is for students to communicate with classmates

Facebook for parents and students NOT SCHOOL AFFILIATED - you must request to join: 


Latest GRAD UPDATE: Monday November 08, 2021

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Hi Grads of 2022 - It may be hard to believe that Grad photos start in 3 weeks, Nov. 26th.(November 26/29/30, Dec. 01 ). The online appointment booking site is now open.

Attached are 2 documents:

  1. Grad Notice
  2. Grad Flyer 

Booking site:

Now Open - note the first 2 days Nov. 26 & 29th are open. When these 2 days are close to being completely booked additional days will be opened. We need to ensure that the days are filled consecutively so we do not lose appointment times._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
A common question when scheduling appointments is What is my appointment code? The grads do not have an 8-digit code, that code it for Confirming Photo Session Appointments. They need to look below that message.....
To schedule an appointment, go to...... Search for your school by location.
Select Province      Enter City

If you go to the website you will understand what I am referring to.

Latest GRAD UPDATE: Monday June 14, 2021

Hello Grads of 2021. Please check your student emails for an update on the Cap and Gown ceremony on June 28.



Latest GRAD UPDATE: Wednesday June 9, 2021


Dear Graduates of 2021 and Parents

We would like to now confirm with you the format for the 2021 CCHS Graduation Ceremony.  We have consulted with key stakeholders in this year’s graduation including our Grade 12 students, parents, school staff, and Alberta Health Services.  Together we have worked to come up with an event that will be a celebration that best meets our community’s requests while adhering to the gathering restrictions that have been outlined by Alberta Health Services. 


On Wednesday May 26, the Alberta Government announced our “Open for Summer,” plan.  We are currently in Phase 1 of that plan.  The details of our commencement ceremony plans in this letter are based on the understanding that we will move into Phase 2 by our intended date.   We understand at this time that Phase 2 will allow us to have a ceremony with a maximum of 150 people.  It’s important that we stay well within these limits.  It is our current understanding that the Alberta Government will announce plans for Phase 2 close to June 10.  Please note that if we remain in Phase 1, we will be required to send out a contingency plan.  

Date of CCHS Graduation Ceremony: Monday June 28

Time:  Ceremony #1 : 10:00 am - 11:30 am

Ceremony #2: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Ceremony #3: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm


Students will be grouped into one of the three ceremonies and families will be notified of your graduate’s ceremony time.  Our Grad committee has already reached out to students to provide them with an opportunity to request friends that they would like to celebrate and be grouped with.  We ask that students understand that organizing them into three groups will present its challenges, however we will do our best to honour their wishes.  

The ceremony will take place at Canmore Collegiate High School /Rec. Centre parking lot. The Town of Canmore has generously offered to support our commencement ceremony by giving us exclusive access to the area for the June 28, 2021 ceremony.

Due to current covid restrictions in place for Phase II reopening we will have a smaller version of the parking lot Grad from last year, so each grad can have one vehicle with 3 guests in the car. This will allow families to be close to the stage and to exit the vehicle to watch the ceremony without exceeding the 150 person limitations associated with stage 2 restrictions for outdoor events. Although the restrictions may lift we must make plans based on what we know will happen. That being said,  should restrictions lift then more family members would be able to attend in the parking lot BUT we would maintain the groupings of 30 students as the alternative has many more requirements to make it possible.

Please note that we have hired a professional videographer to compile all ceremonies as a part of a complete commencement video to share with students and families. The release date will hopefully be July 1st.

Location: Canmore Collegiate High School /Recreation Parking Lot.

Guests: 3 - please note guests should be considered members of the same household.  Please use discretion when selecting your graduates’ guests.


Ceremony Proceedings:

Collectively, the CCHS community needs to adhere to the following proceedings to ensure that we maintain social distance to support the protocols that AHS has shared that our school must follow.  


At the beginning of each ceremony: 

1) Prior to your graduate’s ceremony:  In order to support effective contract tracing, we ask that graduates and families refrain from gathering prior to and immediately after their scheduled graduation.  As a reminder, this is a school event, and graduates are expected to 

honour regular school rules and expectations at the ceremony. Please note if we feel a student is incapable of responsibly participating in the ceremony ( eg. they have been drinking) the student will forfeit their opportunity to participate.


2) Cap, Gown, Stole  Pick Up: Graduates will pick up their cap and gown in the CCHS main atrium between 1:00 and 3:00 on Wednesday June 23.  On the day of our ceremony students will gather at a staging area directly in front of CCHS main entrance.  We ask that our graduates arrive at the staging area 30 minutes prior to their ceremony start time.


3) Guests: Are welcome to arrive at the same time.  We ask that guests please follow the direction of our staff doing traffic controls in the Rec. Parking lot. Families should stay close to their vehicles and maintain social distancing from other family households.


4) After the ceremony: Once our graduation ceremony has concluded students and families are asked to please exit the parking lot so we may reset for the next ceremony and to ensure that we maintain the social distancing protocols in place.


Poor Weather Contingency 

In the event of inclement weather, we will have tent coverage for our students.  Families will need to dress appropriately for the conditions. For safety reasons, we will proceed with an outdoor ceremony.  


Health Regulations that MUST be compiled with:

  • Maintain social distancing of 2 metres between people who do not live in the same household
  • All participants must wear a mask throughout the ceremony.  Graduates will be asked to unmask for pictures only.
  • Do not attend if you are currently required to self-isolate
  • Do not attend if you are feeling unwell and have the symptoms of COVID-19
  • No food or drink can be served
  • No sharing microphones
  • Please be sure to do the AHS daily checklist before attending the event

Further Details:

Because we are celebrating our graduation in three ceremonies , a professional video will be  produced.  This will be a special record that each graduate will have to cherish and share.  A professional videographer has been hired to film our ceremony and compile a video of the whole event. This video will be digitally released on July 1.  This will be shown at a class of 2021 celebration.  Plans for the class of 2021 celebration will be shared directly through a separate parent committee.


Family Celebration:

This event will be organised by the parent committee.  This class of 2021 celebration is being organised by the parent committee and is not a CCHS event. This group has already been in contact with students and families. 

We look forward to seeing everyone at the ceremony.  If you have any questions or concerns about our planning process, please don’t hesitate to contact Hans Holthuis (  or Chris Rogers  ( by email, or phone (403) 678-6192.   



Chris Rogers -Principal

Hans Holthuis - Assistant Principal




Latest GRAD UPDATE: May 10, 2021

Dear grade 12 families,

Our grade 12 students are now in the final quarter of this school year and some of our learners have already completed the requirements of an Alberta High School Diploma.  We recognize how significant this accomplishment is for our students and families. Our school based committee continues to meet to explore how we will safely celebrate graduation for the class of 2021.  

At this time, we are under increased restriction as a part of Alberta Health's “A Path Forward Plan.”  This means that outdoor gatherings continue to be restricted to groups of 5 people and indoor gatherings are currently prohibited.  While health restrictions force us to develop an alternative ceremony we are committed to appropriately honouring the class of 2021.

The purpose of this letter is to inform families of our current understandings and timelines for finalizing plans for this year’s graduation ceremony. 


Proposed Timelines Moving Forward

  • Student Voice: Recently on May 6, our Graduation Committee coordinators (Ms. Anderson and Ms. Bittner) met with students and parents of the Graduation Committee  to comfortably share their thoughts, and assess what options are available to us as we move into June.
  • Proposed Plan: 
    • The graduation committee determined that given the covid restrictions in place, our graduation class would not be moving forward with the Graduation Banquet at the Malcolm Hotel in June.  Some parents have offered to try and arrange a banquet for the Grads this summer if Covid restrictions lift.
    • Commencement exercises will take place in CCHS. A stage will be set up in the school gym ( Graduation Committee will decorate this area) and one student at a time (accompanied by their family) will enter the gym and cross the stage ( Given Covid restrictions - we may have as many as 2-3 family groups at a time in the gym). Students will be videotaped as they cross the stage in their Cap and Gown and Lifetouch will also take a Graduation photo at this time.
    • As mentioned above, students will be issued a Cap and Gown for the Commencement Ceremony. The Cap and Gown will be purchased, allowing families to take their own photos with students in their Commencement Cap and Gown.
    • We have also hired a videographer who will record the video of students crossing the stage and any speeches (Valedictorian, Asst. Principal, Principal etc..). This video will then be edited and released at a later date ( to be announced - we hope June 30th) allowing families to gather and watch the ceremony as a complete event.
    • Parents are organizing a graduation car parade to celebrate graduation. This will not be connected with the school’s official Commencement exercises, and time,date, place information will be forthcoming.
  • Proposed Dates for the Ceremony:  In order to support family planning, we have determined that our ceremony(s)will take place over two days of June 28 and June 29. 


Participation in the ceremony

In order to participate in the graduation ceremony, students need to meet the Alberta Education requirements to earn a high school diploma, or certificate of school completion by June, 30. Student achievement will be projected based upon course progress on June 4, 2021.  Students can determine their progress towards graduation by using Alberta Education’s MyPass website or in consultation with Ms. Janse or Mr. Holthuis.







Latest GRAD UPDATE: March 26, 2021

Grad Wear 2021 Hoodies  and Crew Neck - Order yours now!

Here a link to the form: Order Form Here. Please complete and bring to the CCHS Main Office. Note you can pay by using Tap Pay at the CCHS Main Office.




 'Owagisagabi Muhach' meaning 'I am resilient, I am determined'


*Please note that the design on the tops will be white with no black background





Grey (heathered)










Latest GRAD UPDATE: March 08, 2021

Grad Superlatives --- " Who is most likely to run away to the circus. Who is most likely to return to CCHS as a teacher.... and more. Have your say by completing the google form below.






Latest GRAD UPDATE: January 8, 2021

GRAD Baby Photos and Quotes - Click Here to share your information 


Latest GRAD UPDATE: November 9, 2020

Grad Portrait Sittings November 27,30 - Dec.1, 2 & 3 @ CCHS - Information on Booking your Portrait Sitting available here. This link will take you to the booking page.Please Note: If Grads want a photo session that may involve an image that falls outside Prestige Photography Acceptable image policy (eg.. picture with family pet) , students must see Mr. Rogers in advance of the sitting to receive approval and a signed authorization form to bring to your Portrait Sitting. Forms are available here.



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